Thursday, June 13, 2013

Buddhist Concept: Mutual Possession of Ten worlds

UKE Jan 1995 by Sally Pardo

Each of the Ten Worlds, in turn contains all the ten worlds. this concept is known as 'the Mutual Possession of the Ten Worlds.' It is of great importance because it explains how our lives can continually move from one state to another. it also teaches that since Buddhahood contains the other nine worlds, fundamentally a Buddha is no different from ordinary people. This means that whatever our dominant life state, we all have the same potential for Buddhahood, and that this state of life is available to us at any time.

Regardless of the mood we may be in, every time we chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo, we naturally manifest our Buddhahood, with all the courage, compassion, wisdom, and life-force that goes with it. Buddhahood transforms the other nine worlds to reveal their positive aspects, and chanting regularly - twice a day, every day - is making the cause for our Buddhahood to dominate our daily lives.

Nichiren Daishonin inscribed the Gohonzon so that we could all reveal the state of Buddhahood. The Ten Worlds are all on the Gohonzon. He wanted us to understand that they will always be present in life and it is impossible to eradicate them. Far better to transform and use them in a positive way.

As we continue our daily practice, our environment will respond to the changes we are achieving in ourselves. We begin to be more positive about our problems, viewing them as challenges for our growth. As we change our inner lives, our outer lives mirror the change, making us happier and stronger people. Every part of our environment will respond and we increasingly feel a desire to help and encourage others.

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